Elikadura, edarien eta ostalaritzako profesionalentzako aplikazioa
Arrakasta istorioak
![Three friends and Fillet customers, Nogherazza chefs.](/images/feature-nogherazza/feature-hero-2.jpg)
Fillet customer since 2020
Duela 30 urte, Belluno Dolomitetan sortu zen Nogherazza.
Lagun hauek Luigi, Daniele eta Giovanni dira.
Fillet supports Nogherazza with inventory management and cost calculations.
![Examples of products from Casero kitchen.](/images/feature-casero/casero_hotsauces.webp)
Fillet customer since 2016
Casero began as a taco bus food truck. Now they operate a full restaurant and bar, as well as an online store selling food products that they manufacture.
Fillet supports Casero with food costing and ordering supplies from their vendors.
![Examples of products from Scence cosmetics and beauty.](/images/feature-scence/scence-hero.jpg)
United Kingdom
Fillet customer since 2020
Scence produces skincare made from natural and organic ingredients that are kind on the environment.
They developed their own paper-based packaging, which is completely plastic-free, fully compostable and recyclable.
Fillet supports Scence with cost calculations in product development.
Ocean Park
Fillet customer since 2022
Ocean Park is an award-winning, eco-friendly aquarium located at Shark Bay Marine Park in Western Australia.
The on-site Oceans Restaurant offers a variety of dining experiences, including options for kids, vegetarians, and those with specific dietary preferences.
Fillet supports Ocean Restaurant with calculating recipe costs and creating seasonal menu items.
United States
Fillet customer since 2022
Daikokuya is a restaurant in the Bishamon Restaurant Group, based in Downtown Los Angeles.
They are famous for their ramen noodles and rice bowls, and have five restaurant locations throughout Southern California.
Fillet supports Daikokuya with cost calculations for food cost and product development.
500.000 sukalde munduan zehar
Jatetxeak, hotelak, okindegiak, kafetegiak, sukaldari pribatuak, ostalaritzak, garagardotegiak, sukaldaritza eskolak, ekitaldi-antoinatzaileak, food truck, ostatuak, ekoizle espezializatuak eta abar.
Market your products to Fillet users around the world.
Eguneratu prezioak eta erabilgarritasuna. Berrikusi eskaeren historia eta eguneratu eskaeraren egoera.
Aurreztu denbora. Saihestu prezioak eskuz sartzea. Eguneratu automatikoki prezioak eta aldatzen diren produktuak.
Zure hornitzaileengandik produktuak eta prezioak inporta ditzakezu berehala.
![A photo of food preparation.](/images/banners/features/4820783.jpg)