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Introducing the dashboard in the Fillet web app.

Learn more about dashboard widgets.

Prices widget

Use the Prices widget to see the latest information about your price data.

Recipes widget

Use the Recipes widget to see the latest information about your recipe data.


Use the Menu items widget to see the latest information about your menu item data.

Inventory widget

Use the Inventory widget to see the latest information about your inventory data.

Fillet web app

The Fillet web app is an online application that runs in a web browser. You don't need to install any applications on your computer. To use the Fillet web app, an active Fillet subscription is required.

Import Price Data

Learn about Import Price Data, how to get started, and preparing to import

Labor cost

Calculate labor cost for recipes and menu items, and see a breakdown of labor cost.


Fillet automatically calculates nutrition information for recipes using their components' nutrition information.


Graphs make it easy to spot issues and discover opportunities for optimization.

Use Layers to trace the hierarchy of nested components.

About Fillet Teams

Fillet Teams is a type of Fillet subscription plan: you can share data with every member in an organization, manage team members, and more.

Learn about Teams and how to set up your Organization account.


For each menu item, see the different label options and download assets to use as labels.

Country of Origin

See Country of Origin for recipes and menu items. Enter the Country of Origin for each ingredient.

A photo of food preparation.